Selamat malam sobat...,
Setelah mencari cari modul library RTC seri DS 1302 malang melintang gak ketemu ketemu, akhirnya inisiatif konversi library python punya sourceper ke javascript.
Script ini bisa dipakai untuk menampilkan waktu berupa jam, tanggal bulan dan tahun. Segera sobat yang ingin menampilkan waktu kehalaman html di raspberry pi mongo di coba dan jika script banyak kekurangan bisa kita sempurnakan sama sama... selamat bereksplorasi.... :)
Baca Juga
var rpio = require('rpio'); //ok
//class DS1302:
// 5us
var CLK_DELAY = 5
//function __init__(self, clk_pin=11, data_pin=13,
var _clk_pin=35, _data_pin=37, _ce_pin=33
// init rpio
// no warnings
//gk da lib rpio.setwarnings(False)
// use safer pin number (avoid rpio renumber on
each Pi release)
// rpio.setmode(rpio.BOARD)
// set rpio pins
// CLK and CE (sometime call RST) pin are always
output, rpio.OUTPUT, rpio.LOW), rpio.OUTPUT, rpio.LOW)
rpio.pud(_data_pin, rpio.PULL_UP);
// turn off WP (write protect)
// charge mode is disabled
// write_datetime() // sudah di setting
var k=0;
while( k==0) {
read_datetime() // start disini
function _start_tx(){
Start of transaction.
rpio.write(_clk_pin, rpio.LOW)
rpio.write(_ce_pin, rpio.HIGH)
function _end_tx(){
End of transaction.
rpio.mode(_data_pin, rpio.INPUT)
rpio.write(_clk_pin, rpio.LOW)
rpio.write(_ce_pin, rpio.LOW)
function _r_byte(){
Read byte from the chip.
{return{ byte value
{rtype{ int
//console.log("mulai read")
// data pin is now input (pull-down resistor embedded in chip)
// clock the byte from chip
var byte = 0
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// make a high pulse on CLK pin
rpio.write(_clk_pin, rpio.HIGH)
// rpio.msleep(100);
rpio.write(_clk_pin, rpio.LOW)
// rpio.msleep(100);
// chip out data on clk falling edge{
store current bit into byte
bit =
//console.log("_r_byte loop bit dari pin pagi= " +bit);
byte |= ((2 ** i) * bit) //
sampai sini .....
// return byte value
return byte
function _w_byte(byte){
//================================================================parameter ?
Write byte to the chip.
{param byte{ byte value
{type byte{ int
//console.log("mulai write")
// rpio.msleep(100);
// data pin is now output
rpio.mode(_data_pin, rpio.OUTPUT)
// clock the byte to chip
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
rpio.write(_clk_pin, rpio.LOW)
// chip read data on clk rising edge
rpio.write(_data_pin, byte &
byte >>= 1
// console.log(byte & 0x01);
rpio.write(_clk_pin, rpio.HIGH)
function read_ram(){
Read RAM as bytes
{return{ RAM dumps
{rtype{ bytearray
// start of message
// read ram burst
// read data bytes
var byte_a = bytearray() // ini belum
tentu benar======================================================??
for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
} // apakah disini tutup
// end of message
return byte_a
function write_ram(byte_a){
Write RAM with bytes
{param byte_a{ bytes to write
{type byte_a{ bytearray
// start message
// write ram burst
// write data bytes
// for (var i = 0; i = min(len(byte_a)); 31) {
// _w_byte(ord(byte_a[i:i + 1]))
function read_datetime(){
Read current date and time from RTC chip.
{return{ date and time
{rtype{ datetime.datetime
// start message
// read clock burst
var byte_l = []
for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
byte_l.push(_r_byte()) // ini append error
// end of message
//ini buat test aja
//byte_l = [10,30,15,1,30,25,25,2]
//console.log("isi ds 1302 byte_l = " + byte_l)
// decode bytes
var second = ((byte_l[0] & 0x70) >> 4) *
10 + (byte_l[0] & 0x0f)
var minute = ((byte_l[1] & 0x70) >> 4) *
10 + (byte_l[1] & 0x0f)
var hour = ((byte_l[2] & 0x30) >> 4) * 10
+ (byte_l[2] & 0x0f)
var day = ((byte_l[3] & 0x30) >> 4) * 10
+ (byte_l[3] & 0x0f)
var weekday = ((byte_l[4] & 0x10) >> 4) * 10 +
(byte_l[4] & 0x0f)
var month = ((byte_l[5] & 0x10) >> 4) *
10 + (byte_l[5] & 0x0f)
var year = ((byte_l[6] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10
+ (byte_l[6] & 0x0f) + 2000
// return datetime value
//return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour,
minute, second) // ============================== datetime ??
console.log("isi ds 1302 second = " + second)
console.log("isi ds 1302 minute = " + minute)
console.log("isi ds 1302 hour = " + hour)
console.log("isi ds 1302 day = " + day)
console.log("isi ds 1302 month = " + weekday)
console.log("isi ds 1302 weekday = " + month)
console.log("isi ds 1302 year = " + year)
function write_datetime(dt){
Write a python datetime to RTC chip.
{param dt{ datetime to write
{type dt{ datetime.datetime
// format message
===================================================================== dt ???
var byte_l = [0] * 9
_w_byte(0x00) //second
_w_byte(0x19) // minute
_w_byte(0x19) // hour
_w_byte(0x25) // day
_w_byte(0x11) // month
_w_byte(0x07) // weekday
_w_byte(0x18) // year
//@staticmethod //============================?
function close(){
/* """
Clean all GPIOs.